The most common reasons that turn teeth towards discolouration

Discoloration refers to the yellowing of teeth or the presence of dark brown or gray stains on the tooth surface. Though all of us want a sparkling smile some dental issues can prevent us from achieving that. The good news is that the solution to this problem is present in dentistry. There are certain procedures available that your dentist can perform after analyzing your oral health which can help you to get rid of the discolouration easily. It's important to visit your dentist and know whether your stains are extrinsic or intrinsic and what are the possible solutions for these. For a complete oral checkup or to opt for dental procedures for any concern, you can contact the Orthocare Centre, the best dental clinic in Dehradun which has expert dental doctors in Dehradun\ dentists in Dehradun.

Here are the most common reasons :-

Dark-coloured beverages & food

Tea, coffee, turmeric and other Indian spices are common everyday food items that we consume. These are known to cause the staining of teeth and thus one needs to make sure to mouthwash after consuming these food items to protect teeth from staining.

Thinning of enamel

When enamel thins, this leads to the exposure of dentin. Dentin has a yellow color naturally and this is also one of the most common reasons for the yellow appearance of teeth. Wear and tear of enamel should be avoided by having a proper oral care routine .

Excessive Fluoride

Excessive use of fluoride can also result in yellow or dark brown stains on teeth. Fluoride present in water, fluoride toothpaste, and treatments containing fluoride should be avoided as the excess of this is bad. Also, don't forget to consult your dentist when yellowing starts.


There are certain diseases whose side effects induce discoloration of teeth. Some diseases related to the liver, eating disorders, calcium deficiency etc are responsible for this. It's important to maintain a good overall fitness for good dental health .

All the above ways are the most common ones that are responsible for creating stubborn stains on teeth. It's best to keep these factors under check so the possibility of teeth staining is reduced as much as possible.