Reasons why you should consider getting wisdom teeth removed

Wisdom teeth are the last molars at the back of the mouth that may grow out in some people over time. Not all wisdom teeth are harmful and may not need removal specifically when they are healthy, positioned correctly & are not difficult to clean. However, there are some cases when removing wisdom teeth becomes essential. The first thing to do in such cases or any dental problem is to consult your dentist. For the best dental doctor in Dehradun\ dentist in Dehradun, you can contact Orthocare Centre which is the most trusted dental clinic in Dehradun. Also, the following are the reasons why and when you should get your wisdom teeth removed.

Here are the top reasons :-

Swollen gums

The gums inflame when a wisdom tooth erupts. It may also happen in some cases that swollen gum may bleed & this also causes discomfort. Swollen gums are one of the reasons for constant pain and annoyance due to which getting a wisdom tooth removed is quite necessary .

Difficulty in brushing every day

When an extra molar erupts, a person would indeed feel uncomfortable brushing, flossing and cleaning teeth due to overcrowding and this is quite painful. This may invite cavities and tooth decay which may end up creating more dental problems. So it's best to work on this concern at the earliest.

Stiffness and pain

The new wisdom tooth often ends up disturbing the placement of other teeth and this leads to stiffness and pain. When you chew and bite the pain increases drastically making it impossible to have food. This is exactly when one must get it treated on time to avoid further discomfort.


Due to bleeding gums and stiffness in the jaw area sometimes it becomes difficult to maintain hygiene and cleanliness. This may create grounds for bacteria formation in the longer run which can ultimately turn into an infection. It's best to consult the dentist at the earliest.

All the above-stated reasons are sufficient enough for you to book an appointment as soon as you're faced with the problem of wisdom teeth. Prolonging this may only worsen the case so do get this treated as soon as possible.