How to avoid getting tooth decay & cavities

Having tooth decay and cavities can be quite scary. The process of getting your teeth fixed once they are damaged is painful & also the probability of tooth decay starts increasing once you're not taking proper care. It's best to know about some tips and tricks that help you fight tooth decay, gum problems and any other dental difficulties .

Some suggestions to keep in mind

Get fluoride treatment recommended by your dentist

Getting a root canal is painful and one must avoid reaching that stage. One of the best measures to undertake is consulting your dentist as soon as you notice plague or even a bit of tooth decay. There are fluoride toothpaste, mouthwash and an array of treatments available that can help better your dental health. Also if you're looking for a dental clinic in Dehradun, then Orthocare is the answer

Rinse your mouth after every meal

Developing the habit of mouth washing has a plethora of benefits. Not only does it cleanses the mouth but also removes any debris that is stuck between the teeth after consuming a meal. Washing your mouth after having sugar-laden food is a must and if you are prone to developing cavities, a fluoride-based mouthwash can help

Avoid frequent snacking or tea\coffee intake

Frequent snacking is not good for your oral health as frequently having snacks or beverages lets the mouth bacteria create acids that destroy tooth enamel. Excessive tea or coffee is also known to stain the teeth as well as disturb the pH. It's best to avoid indulging in snacking, junk eating and beverages in excess.

Ask about antibacterial treatments

Dental care is incomplete without a good dentist. If you ever feel you're facing issues with your gums or teeth it's best to rely on the dentist's suggestions. To help protect against cavities or tooth decay they may suggest antibacterial treatments that can help you in having a permanent solution to the problem

Taking care of your oral hygiene, tooth care and overall dental health is a part of a healthy lifestyle. With proper guidance from your dentist, you can ensure keeping all the problems away. So if you are searching for a dental doctor in Dehradun, or dentist in Dehradun then don't forget to pay a visit to Orthocare for a safe and best quality consultation