Dental procedures that can enhance your smile

When you smile or talk, people tend to notice your teeth first. If lately due to any reason you're feeling somewhat under confident or wish to get the look of your teeth enhanced then here is the good news. There are many safe dental procedures available that can help you achieve that perfect smile. You only need to rely on highly professional & expert dentists for this. If you're looking for a dental clinic in Dehradun, or a dental doctor in dehradun\dentist in Dehradun then orthocare is the best option.

Some effective dental procedures to consider:-

1) Teeth whitening

Discoloured teeth can decrease your confidence to a great extent. If you want to keep your teeth sparkling like a star, then It's time to visit the dentist for the same. The discolouration and stains are removed in this process. The teeth are bleached to get the perfect white colour. Bleaching intensity is decided by the dentists only and hence you should only rely on them

2) Dental implants

Dental implants are artificial teeth that come with their root and crown. They are the same copy of natural teeth and also function exactly like them. Dental implants are used to replace distorted, damaged or missing teeth. These are completely safe and you can opt for them if your dentist suggests

3) Tooth shaping

Tooth shaping is also gaining quite a popularity. This helps in enhancing the look of your teeth easily by framing your teeth in the best way. Tooth shaping is helpful when the tooth is too long or has acquired some uneven shape. Proper filling and shaping are done by dentists to restructure the tooth.

4) Veneers

Veneers are white porcelain coating that is done on the frontal surface of the tooth. Many people consider this as an alternative to bleaching the teeth. When to opt for this procedure and how many veneers you need, everything is decided by the dentist. The main aim of veneers is to make teeth shiny again and fix chipped or stained teeth

All these procedures can only be performed by dentists. Based on your current dental health and conditions, dentists prescribe a customized procedure. So, if you also want to get an enhanced smile, you can contact the orthocare center today