Best ways to help take care of porcelain veneers

You would have come across the term veneers as this is becoming quite a popular dentist procedure. Veneer is a lens-like thin layer of porcelain that is attached to the surface of stained or chipped teeth to revamp them. This helps to make the appearance of the teeth whiter and healthier. This is quite a safe and revolutionary procedure. So if you're planning to get them or have any doubts regarding the same, then it's best to fix an appointment with your dentist. For the best and most reliable dental clinic in Dehradun or dental doctor in dehradun or dentist in Dehradun, you can visit Orthocare centre.

Best ways to maintain veneers:-

1) Use soft toothbrush

Soft-bristled toothbrushes are the best way to ensure that you don't end up damaging the veneers attached to your teeth. Since the hard bristled brush can prove abrasive for your teeth, it's recommended to take precautions beforehand to avoid damaging them.

2) Use mouth rinse

Fluoride-based mouth rinse can be your best pick here. Just rinse your mouth once a day with mouthwash and all the plaque formation can be avoided with this. Also, this step would help to make sure you have a proper oral care routine which is an added benefit. .

3) Avoid using your teeth to open something

Often we find ourselves using our teeth to open packets of snacks, chips, etc which is a dangerous practice especially if you've got a veneer procedure done. In fact, opening a cold drink or water bottle with teeth is equally damaging. It's best to avoid doing such things for better maintenance of your veneers .

4) Avoid food that stains

Food that leaves behind stains is one of the biggest threats to your porcelain veneers. Berries, beetroot, wine, tea, coffee, tomato-based curry, soya sauce, etc are the most common ones that are known to pigment your teeth. So make sure to avoid these foods.

All the above recommendations will help you to better take care of your porcelain veneers. Since this dental procedure is not that inexpensive, it's highly suggestive to make a care routine for your teeth and these pointers will surely help you.