Best night time dental care practices to follow

Having regular and effective night time dental care is important for various reasons. A good oral care routine before bed not only helps us with a good hygienic level but also protects against plaque formation, bad morning breath and teeth grinding. So for healthy oral health & hygiene here are some of the most important steps you shouldn't miss. Also Always remember to visit the dentist if any problem persists for a long time as there are no alternatives to this. If you're looking for a dental clinic in Dehradun or a dental doctor in Dehradun \dentist in Dehradun, then do visit Orthocare as it is the best dental clinic.

Here are some of the most essential everyday practices:-

1) Brushing appropriately

Excessive brushing can do quite a lot of damage to your gums and teeth. Hence avoid it at all times. It's also imperative to brush for at least 2-3 minutes to ensure proper cleaning. Don't forget to brush your tongue and the inner corner of your mouth as we often forget these areas. So before bed, proper brushing is a must

2) Perfect toothbrush

Selecting the right toothbrush is important. Always remember that your toothbrush should have soft bristles & must be of really good quality. It needs to be replaced after every 2 months. You should also use a good paste. If you have any dental issues it's better to get a good paste recommended by your dentist

3) Flossing

After dinner flossing is another important step in your dental care regime. Flossing is known to reduce the risk of cavities and also helps prevent gum diseases. Flossing once a day is quite enough and you should not overindulge in the same as it might prove to be risky

4) Mouth wash

Mouthwash freshens the breath and cleans the mouth perfectly. It removes food debris that is left even after brushing. Mouthwash is also good for people who have sensitivity as the mint present in it has relaxing effects. The problem of dry mouth can also be resolved by using a good & dentist-prescribed mouthwash

So for optimal dental care, you can include these practices in your everyday routine. All these steps would not take much of your time & would help ensure satisfactory oral health always.