Most common dental problems in Kids that shouldn't be ignored

Children are always running and playing around and are rarely in the habit of taking care of themselves. We cannot ignore the fact that childhood is the stage of life which is most prone to developing several tooth & oral diseases. The right way to deal with those issues is by having the right, effective and safe dental procedures followed by a proper care routine. So, if you are searching for the most reliable dental clinic in Dehradun, dental doctor in Dehradun/ dentist in Dehradun.

Here are the top problems :-

Teeth grinding

Teeth grinding is also known as bruxism and is one of the most persistent problems that kids and teenagers face. The reasons for this are jaw pain, misaligned teeth, underlying stress or anxiety. If this is what your child is facing then you should not delay visiting the dentist .

Gum diseases

Kids love to eat sweets and often they end up not following a good dental regime. Not taking care of gums often leads to gum bleeding, swollen, red and irritable gums and in some cases bone loss. In this condition, it's important to book an appointment with your dentist . .

Thumb sucking

It's quite a natural phenomenon that toddlers have a thumb-sucking habit. However past age 5 this habit should be stopped. If it is not treated then with the passage of time it can lead to damage to the baby and permanent teeth, jaw & teeth misalignment, speech problems etc.

Over-retained primary teeth

If the baby teeth don't fall out on time then it can cause a lot of problems like tooth decay and poor oral health. Here dental X-ray and analysis are vital. It is also essential that permanent teeth erupt at the right time. Hence if you notice over-retention of primary teeth then it's time to visit the dentist .

All the above issues need immediate attention and proper care. These are the top common issues faced by kids, toddlers and even teenagers. The best way out is to consult an expert & experienced dentist so that a safe dental procedure is performed on time and further consequences are avoided.